Dinosaurs: Austrosaurus, the southern reptile

Dinosaurs: Austrosaurus, the southern reptile

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Austrosaurus Profile

Translation: Southern lizard
Description: Herbivore, quadruped
Order: Saurischia
Suborder: Sauropodomorpha
Infraorder: Sauropoda
Height: 8 meters
Length: 20 meters
Weight: 16,000 kg
Period: Early Cretaceous

Austrosaurus is known from fragmentary remains. This large primitive sauropod was found in Australia, showing that sauropods lived in that area during the early Cretaceous Period.

This is important because originally, Sauropods were believed to spend a great deal of their life in water to relieve the weight on their legs, a theory rejected when this (and other later dinosaurs) were found, when they saw that sauropods lived on dry land.

The Austrosaurus remains were discovered by H.B. Wade in North Queensland in 1932, and was described by Heber Longman in 1933.

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