Mythology: list of Celtiberian divinities and gods

Mythology: list of Celtiberian divinities and gods

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The Celtiberians they were a series of Celtic, or Celtized, pre-Roman peoples, who inhabited the area of ​​the Iberian peninsula called Celtiberia from the Bronze Age (12th century BC) to the Romanization of Hispania, from the 2nd to 1st centuries BC.

The peoples that made it up, until now, are arevacos, bellos, lusones, titos and pelendones, although it is also formed on some occasions by folderians, lobetans, olcades and vacceos.

There is very little documentation on these peoples, so it is not easy to trace their territory exactly, nor is it possible to know all their cosmogony or religion, since we only have one direct mention, that of Strabo, who claims that the Celtiberians worshiped a single nameless God.

The celtiberian pantheon It is usually divided into three categories of divinities: those of an astral nature (Sun and Moon, for example), the great celtic gods Y minor divinities with local cults, which were very abundant and are highly represented.

List of Celtiberian gods and divinities more important

Ataecin or AdaeginaGoddess associated with the Underworld, Fertility and Rebirth. It was identified with Proserpina (Persephone) and his cult spread throughout the Peninsula.
AnderaGoddess or ruler of the Earth
BaelistosBerones divinity, apparently the sun that purifies.
BaraecusGod related to the Waters.
Baudv-haetoHis name means "Violence and Combat." Neton's wife.
Cabar-SulSolar God, identified with Apollo of the Lusitanians.
Camal or CamalaApparently she was a Goddess of Love and Beauty, identified with Venus.
Candamuis, CandamioGod of the Sky, of the Storms and the lightning of the Cantabrians and Asturians.
CosusGod of War, whose cult spread throughout the Peninsula. It was assimilated with Mars.
Cult of the deadThe Celtiberians practiced it and the graves were their temples. A stone statue of an illustrious ancestor was usually erected on top of them. It also had common burial places.
DercetiusGod of the Mountain in Gallaecia and Lucitania.
GodThere was, according to Strabo (1st century BC Greek historian) a single God common to all clans and federations, who did not have a specific name, different from the local gods and whom they designated simply as God.
Endovelic or Eno-bolicGod of Fire, Creator, Organizer and Conservator of the universe. Protector of all Nature and with an oracular character. Among the Lusitanians he was also the god of medicine, healing his patients through dreams and oracles.
IlurbedaGoddess of the Roads and Mountain Passes.
IscallisGoddess of Fertility.
MagnonSolar God (similar to Sun-Hercules).
NetNeton's wife.
NetonGod of War (Sun-Mars) worshiped in Gallaecia.
NoctilucaGoddess of the Moon or night light. It is believed that the Celtiberians worshiped him on full moon nights.
ReveSupreme and Sovereign God, ruler of the Hot Springs.
Saga or SahaSegulo, Solar God (identified with Apollo).
SegoluSolar God, identified with Apollo.
TrebarunaIt is believed that she was a protective Goddess of the Home.
VaelicHe is associated with the Underworld, being also a protector of forests and nature in general.

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